Fu-Hsuan Chen*, 2026.05, 'Exploring the Legal Framework and Implementation Challenges of Taiwan's Sexual Harassment Prevention Laws: Focus on the Gender Work Equality Act, Gender Equality Education Act, and Sexual Harassment Prevention Act, ' Asian Yearbook of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Brill, pp.1-15.(*為通訊作者)
Fu-Hsuan Chen*, 2025.05, 'Can Artificial Intelligence (AI) Enhance Learning Outcomes in Bilingual Education? A Case Study on Problem-Based Learning (PBL), ' Navigating Taiwan’s Bilingual Education Reform and Sustainability Movement through a Glocalization Lens, Brill, pp.Ch7.(*為通訊作者)
鄭津津*;林瓊珠;周兆昱;吳姿慧;黃美禎, 2025.02, '彈性申請育嬰留職停薪及增訂親職假之可行性探討, ' 彈性申請育嬰留職停薪及增訂親職假之可行性探討, 勞動部勞動及職業安全衛生研究所, pp.15-30.(*為通訊作者)
Fu-Hsuan Chen*, 2024.12, 'An Analysis of Taiwan's Low Birth Rate Problem and the Impact of the Gender Equality in Employment Act: A Sociological Perspective on Work, ' The Journal of Chinese Public Administration, Vol.35, pp.67-82.(TCI-HSS)(*為通訊作者)
吳姿慧*, 2024.11, '女性勞工保護與性別平等之研究成果回顧, ' 法律學研究成果回顧與社會影響性2001-2020(下), 元照, pp.531-544.(*為通訊作者)
吳姿慧, 2024.10, '德國育嬰留職停薪制度彈性化之介紹-兼對我國彈性育嬰留停政策之檢討, ' 法學叢刊, Vol.69, No.276, pp.47-77.
Fu-Hsuan Chen;Hao-Ren Liu, 2024.10, 'Analyze the Temporal and Spatial Distribution of Carbon Capture in Sustainable Development of Work, ' Energies, Vol.17, No.21, pp.1-16.(SCIE, EI, SCOPUS)
Fu-Hsuan Chen*, 2024.10, 'Does Gender Equality in Labor Promote Workplace Service Motivation?An Analysis from the Perspective of Service Science( Best Paper Award), ' The Colloquium of Social Impact & Sustainability Management, NYMCTU & NTCU.(*為通訊作者)
Fu-Hsuan Chen*, 2024.09, 'Green finance and gender equality: Keys to achieving sustainable development, ' Green Finance, Vol.6, No.4, pp.585-611.(SCOPUS, ESCI)(*為通訊作者)
Fu-Hsuan Chen*, 2024.09, 'Labor Sociology and Labor Rights: The Mechanism of AI Technology's Impact on Labor Rights, ' Generis.(*為通訊作者)