序號 | 作者 | 文章標題 |
1 | 劉宜君、辛炳隆、馬財專 | 促進就業政策之跨計劃研究:政策利害關係人途徑 |
2 | 林宗德 | 晶圓廠勞動過程之探討:以時間秩序為分析角度 |
3 | 李健鴻 | 後工業社會的失業風險調控:台灣因應金融危機的就業政策與治理困境分析 |
4 | 許勝智、張昌吉 | 高科技產業研發人員人格特質對知識分享意願影響之研究:以信任關係為中介變項 |
5 | 張家春、張昌吉 | 社會保障制度的建構與永續性研究:以中國大陸社會保障制度為例 |
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篇名 | 促進就業政策之跨計劃研究:政策利害關係人途徑 |
英文篇名 | A Stakeholders Approach to Cross-Policy Performance Evaluation of Promotion Employment Programs |
作者 | 劉宜君、辛炳隆、馬財專 |
刊名 | 政大勞動學報 |
期數 | 201212(第28期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學勞工研究所 |
起訖頁 | 1-43 |
摘要 |
本研究以「多元就業開發方案」、「立即上工計畫」、「青年職場體驗中程計畫」與「培育優質人力促進就業計畫」等四項計劃為研究對象。本研究除探討促進就業政策評估的文獻外,並說明四項計畫內容的異同,進而從政策利害關係人途徑,以電話調查四項計畫可評估的共同項目。問卷調查的母群體以2009年參與計畫為主,調查對象資料擬透過執行機關協助取得僱用單位與其計畫參與者名單。設計問卷內容涵蓋僱用單位與計畫參與者對於參與方案認知、選擇理由、參與經驗、滿意度、影響及建議。由於四項方案在目標與執行策略上有所差異,本研究針對四項計畫的共同政策理念、目標與策略設計共同調查題目,以作為比較基礎,並針對四項計畫的特性,設計執行評估與影響評估的差異性題目。本研究執用人單位與進用人員1,600位的調查。分析四項計劃在近似期間執行,因部分計畫鎖定對象未能明確產生區隔,在計劃執行過程中不可避免將會產生資源導入重疊的效應與機會成本問題。因而建議強化跨部會的協調機制,以使資源有效配置,並建議政府及早建置失業者分類架構,並藉由實證分析,釐清不同類別的失業者所適合的協助方案。 |
英文摘要 |
In recent years, the government has endorsed wage subsidies as a policy instrument to deal with this country's diverse unemployment since financial crisis of 2007. The major purpose of this paper is to compare implementation process and effectiveness of four promotion employment policies from the stakeholder approach. The research considers Multiple Employment Program, Instant Employment Plan, Youth Work Experience Program and Promotion of Employment through Improving Quality Human Project as cross-policy research objectives. Those programs are characterized as types of wage subsidies policy to raise employment levels. This paper takes stock of the relevant literature and conducts a telephone survey to obtain insights into wage subsidy design and implementation issues. The research also investigates whether this policy measure is appropriate in dealing with diverse unemployment problem. Those interested parties are surveyed to understand their experience of participating in those programs, policy satisfaction and their opportunity cost viewpoint. The research argues that although wage subsidies may be successful at creating jobs, they should not be seen as the primary or dominant policy instrument for dealing with the broader unemployment problem. The research also finds that grant standards are inconsistent with the each other; it shows trade-off and competition among the programs. To enhance the effectiveness of wage subsidies, they should preferably be linked to structured workplace training, be targeted to industries where employment will be responsive to changes in labor costs, and be focused on the unemployment. The research suggests that the relevant authorities review and improve existing administrative operations of those programs, the contents of streamlining processes and operations to reduce administrative procedure pressure. |
關鍵詞 | 促進就業政策、政策評估、政策利害關係人、機會成本、Policy Evaluation、Promotion Employment Policy、Policy Stakeholder、Opportunity Cost |
篇名 | 晶圓廠勞動過程之探討:以時間秩序為分析角度 |
英文篇名 | The Investigation of the Temporal Order of the Labor Process in Semiconductor Fabs |
作者 | 林宗德 |
刊名 | 政大勞動學報 |
期數 | 201212(第28期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學勞工研究所 |
起訖頁 | 45-86 |
摘要 |
當前半導體製造業的特色是研究與生產合一,以因應半導體製成的複雜性與快速的技術變遷。半導體業的技術變遷可用所謂的「摩爾定律」來說明:在每一到兩年內,在積體電路晶片尚可容納的電晶體數量將會倍增。然而實驗室與工廠的合一,使得同時肩負研究與生產功能的設備,其運轉時間的分配成為重要問題,形塑了半導體晶圓廠中工作的時間特性。本文分析半導體晶圓廠為求同時滿足研究與生產的需求,造就的兩類雇員——技術員和工程師之工作的時間秩序。透過分工,技術員不需解決生產過程中發生的問題,工作的特徵是一系列可預測次序而持續時間短暫的事件,呈現的是「單序」之形態。相較之下,由於半導體的製程複雜性,工程師面對不定時出現的問題,必須同時處理各種解決所需時間不一的事件,其工作為「多序」的形態。而由於設備運轉時間由製造部門壟斷,解決問題和製程研究所需的實驗常無法順利取得該時間,使得工程師多序工作的形態更為鞏固。晶圓廠內因技術特性而構築的時間分配體制,造就了工程師長工時的工作形態。 |
英文摘要 |
Contemporary semiconductor manufacturing is characterized by the erasure of the boundary between research and production, the arrangement that seeks to accommodate to the intricacy of chip making process and the rapidity of technology change. The rapidity of technology change in semiconductor manufacturing, frequently couched in terms of the so-called ‘Moore's Law,' maintains at a speed that the number of transistors that can be put on an integrated circuit doubles every one to two years. The indistinguishability between laboratory and factory, however, makes the allocation of the machine time—both for research and for production purposes—a prominent factor that shapes the temporal order of work in semiconductor fabs. This paper analyzes the temporal order of technicians' as well as engineers' work. Technicians are exempted from handling problems that arise in the production process, and their work is characterized by short, successive tasks in a predictable sequence—a ‘monochronic' order. In contrast, due to the complexity of semiconductor manufacturing, engineers face problems that arise randomly, and are forced to undertake several tasks which last for various lengths of time simultaneously—their work is in a ‘polychronic' order. With the machine time monopolized by the production department, difficulty in gaining access to the machine time for experimentation, the basis for both problem-solving and research work, contributes further to the polychronicity of engineers' work. In semiconductor fabs, miniaturization trend dictates the way machine time is allocated, which in turn leads to the long working hours of engineers. |
關鍵詞 | 半導體產業、半導體晶圓廠、勞動過程、時間秩序、Semiconductor Industry,、Semiconductor Fabs、Labor Process、Temporal Order |
篇名 | 後工業社會的失業風險調控:台灣因應金融危機的就業政策與治理困境分析 |
英文篇名 | Unemployment Risks Regulation in Post-industrial Society: An Analysis of Employment Policies and Governance Dilemma in Response to Financial Crisis in Taiwan |
作者 | 李健鴻 |
刊名 | 政大勞動學報 |
期數 | 201212(第28期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學勞工研究所 |
起訖頁 | 87-155 |
摘要 |
本文從「新社會風險」觀點分析台灣為因應金融危機而在2008年至2012年實施的就業政策與治理困境。探討議題為:台灣自1999年以後建構形成的「後工業社會」時期的就業政策體系,是否能夠有效因應金融危機引發的大量失業風險與長期失業風險?台灣在「後工業社會」形成的就業政策體系脈絡下,為因應金融危機引發大量失業與長期失業風險所實施的就業政策措施,面臨的治理困境為何?研究發現,台灣的就業安全體系,面對金融危機引發失業風險所暴露出的治理困境是:政府雖然採取了強化「積極促進」政策途徑的失業風險調控策略,但是以就業保險制度為核心所建構的就業政策體系,回應金融危機引發失業風險的治理能力卻明顯不足,難以有效提供多數失業者所需要的「所得安全」基本保障,同時也無法提供多數失業者所需要的就業促進政策措施,因此政府才會依循過去失業危機時期的路徑依賴,實施各項「非制度性」的短期積極性勞動市場政策方案,企圖彌補就業安全體系的破漏,以因應失業風險問題,可是這些短期勞動市場政策方案的實際成效,至2012年執行結束時,雖然使失業率有所下降,但是整體的失業人數與長期失業人數仍相對然多餘金融危機出奇的人數,顯示「非制度性」的端其積極性勞動市場政策方案也面臨著治理的限制。 |
英文摘要 |
This article aim to explore the employment policies and governance dilemma from the 'New Social Policies Approach', in response to financial crisis since 2008 to 2012 in Taiwan. The issues include: whether the employment policies system in postindustrial society had been constructed since 1997 was able to cope with the risk of massive unemployment risk and long-term unemployment risk triggered by the financial crisis? What the employment policies system had been faced governance dilemma in response to the risk of massive unemployment and the risk of long-term unemployment triggered by the financial crisis? The main findings is that although the government performing unemployment risk regulating strategies according to activation governance principle, but governance capacity of employment insurance institutions as the core of employment policies system is obviously insufficient, it is difficult to effectively provide basic income security and employment promotion measures for most unemployed in response to the unemployment risk caused by financial crisis, bringing forth the government 'path dependence' of 'non-institutional' short-term active labor market policy programs in an attempt to compensate for the leaking of employment safety net to cope with high risk of unemployment problem. In fact, the actual effectiveness of these 'non-institutional' short-term labor market policy programs is limited until 2012, although the decline in the unemployment rate, but the overall numbers of unemployed and the numbers of long-term unemployed is still higher than the numbers of the early financial crisis , there is a clear governance restrictions that 'non-institutional' short-term active labor market policy programs. |
關鍵詞 | 新社會風險、就業政策、後工業社會、失業風險調控、積極促進、New Social Risks、Employment Policies、New Social Policies、Post-industrial Society、Unemployment Risk Regulation、Activation |
篇名 | 高科技產業研發人員人格特質對知識分享意願影響之研究:以信任關係為中介變項 |
作者 | 許勝智、張昌吉 |
刊名 | 政大勞動學報 |
期數 | 201212(第28期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學勞工研究所 |
起訖頁 | 157-200 |
摘要 |
在企業環境變化快速的今日,組織內部資源的管理受到了更多的關注,尤其是管理與創造知識資產的領域。在知識時代,「人力資本」成為此波全球化最重要的競爭要素,人才憑藉著他人難以模仿的知識及創意與其競爭,創意與知識改寫了過去依靠生產元素規模來取勝的經濟模式。然而,因知識是存在於知識工作者的腦海中,唯有透過組織成員間的交流,將其所擁有的知識、經驗分享給他人,促進創新知識的產生,創造出組織競爭優勢的正面持續性循環,提升企業的資本與顧客資本,讓組織在競爭環境中常保經營優勢。有鑑於高科技產業已成為台灣與全球競爭的重要支柱,該產業俱有重視研發與創新以及知識、技術密集度高等特性,研發人員知識分享行為對組織競爭,尤顯重要。本研究以台灣高科技產業的研發人員為研究對象,將高科技產業區分為電子科技業(包含了半導體工業、電腦及週邊設備製造業、通訊工業、光電工業)、數位內容及電腦系統設計服務業、機密機械、生物科技與特用化學藥品與製藥工業等五大類。以網路問卷調查作為資料蒐集隻方式,蒐集方法為鎖定在高科技公司任職並有實際參與組織發展的研發人員,採滾雪球抽樣方法,總計共發放300份問卷,並回收有效問卷243份,透過結構方程式、相關分析與複迴歸分析將五大人格特質和信任關係對知識分享意願進行實證分析。研究結果發現,高科技業中的據親和宜人性人格與開放學習性人格的研發人員在知識分享意願成顯著的正向影響,令組織中的高度信任關係俱有增強不同人格特質的之研發人員的分享意願。 |
關鍵詞 | 知識分享意願、人格特質、信任關係 |
篇名 | 社會保障制度的建構與永續性研究:以中國大陸社會保障制度為例 |
English Title |
The Study for Building Up Sustainable Social Security System - A Case Study of Main Land China |
作者 | 張家春、張昌吉 |
Author | Chia-Chuen Chang & Chun-Chig Chang |
刊名 | 政大勞動學報 |
期數 | 201212(第28期) |
出版單位 | 國立政治大學勞工研究所 |
起訖頁 | 202-229 |
摘要 |
社會保障制度無法一蹴而成,中國大陸的社會保障制度自1951年勞動保險條例出台以後,歷經50餘年的演進,終於完成涵蓋養老、醫療、工傷、失業及生育五大項目的社會保障制度,中國社會保障體制基本集中在現有的職業分層,影響著社會安全社會保險的分配份額,2004年中國社會保障和政策白皮書揭露了高度重視擴大社會保障覆蓋範圍,2011 年養老保險的城鎮職工養老保險的覆蓋率已提升到45%以上,但是面對快速的人口老化及經濟成長趨缓的情勢,中國社會保障的快速擴充力道顯然無法得到經濟成長對各項社會保障收入面的支持,因此經濟保八的目標被明確的訂定下來。本文運用動態均衛模型,在既有的中國經濟成長預估及社會保障資源結構下,模擬了中國人口老化因素對中國社會保障永續經營的挑戰,進而對於中國社會保障制度發展提出應當注意之建議,包括中國大陸應提高個人投資社保的意願,應該有因所得級距差距而調整養老給付的做法及在經濟成長努力保八同時應努力推增社會保障收入以累積基金等關鍵因素做出建議,值得同樣面對人口老化,勞保年金收支失衡的台灣做為借鏡。 |
關鍵詞 | 動態均衡模型 |